We’re grateful for your help.

Here’s how to get started.

  1. Register to use our pricing calculator. This is a members-only site and only a limited number of trusted advisors have access.
  2. You will receive a confirmation email before you can log in. It will be from Wordpress. If you can’t find it, it’s in your Spam folder.
  3. Once you confirm your registration, click the AI Pricing Calculator-Beta in the menu bar above.
  4. The pricing bot will automatically populate asking for information to begin the quote. Go for it!
  5. Once your quote is completed, you’ll receive an email of the entire transcript, with the quote at the bottom of the transcript. Kinda buggy. We’re working on that one.
  6. You may have heard that AI can sometimes go rogue. It’s true. We’re working to rein in some of our actions and it’s getting better. Go ahead and ask the bot questions to see if it’ll make ineffective or unwise replies. And let us know…ok?